




  1. Aquaculture: 水产养殖
  2. Fishery: 渔业
  3. Aquafarming: 水产农业
  4. Hatchery: 孵化场
  5. Pond: 池塘
  6. Tank: 水槽
  7. Cage: 水笼
  8. Netting: 渔网
  9. Feeding: 喂养
  10. Harvesting: 收获
  11. Breeding: 繁殖
  12. Water Quality: 水质
  13. Stocking Density: 存栏密度
  14. Aeration: 曝气
  15. Disease Control: 疾病控制


  1. Stocking fish: 放鱼
  2. Feeding schedule: 喂食计划
  3. Water temperature: 水温
  4. Water flow rate: 水流速率
  5. Health monitoring: 健康监测
  6. Feed conversion ratio: 饲料转化率
  7. Water exchange: 水交换
  8. Algae bloom: 藻类爆发
  9. Mortality rate: 死亡率
  10. Grow-out period: 养殖周期
  11. Market size: 市场规模
  12. Profit margin: 利润率
  13. Environmental impact: 环境影响
  14. Sustainable practices: 可持续实践
  15. Regulatory compliance: 法规合规


  1. We need to monitor the water quality regularly to ensure optimal conditions for fish growth.我们需要定期监测水质,确保鱼类生长的最佳条件。

  2. The stocking density in this pond is too high, we should reduce the number of fish.这个池塘的存栏密度太高了,我们应该减少鱼的数量。

  3. Proper aeration is essential for maintaining oxygen levels in the water.适当的曝气对于维持水中的氧气水平至关重要。

  4. We're planning to expand our aquaculture operation to meet the growing demand for seafood.我们计划扩大水产养殖业务,以满足对海鲜不断增长的需求。

  5. To prevent disease outbreaks, we implement strict biosecurity measures on our fish farm.为了预防疾病爆发,我们在鱼场上实施严格的生物安全措施。

  6. Harvesting will begin next week, so we need to prepare the processing facilities in advance.收获将在下周开始,所以我们需要提前准备加工设施。

  7. We're working on optimizing the feed formula to improve feed conversion efficiency.我们正在努力优化饲料配方,以提高饲料转化效率。

  8. Regular maintenance of equipment is crucial for the smooth operation of the hatchery.对设备的定期维护对孵化场的顺利运行至关重要。

  9. Our goal is to achieve sustainable aquaculture practices that minimize environmental impact.我们的目标是实现可持续的水产养殖实践,最大程度地减少对环境的影响。

  10. The regulatory agency conducted an inspection of our fish farm to ensure compliance with safety standards.监管机构对我们的养鱼场进行了检查,确保符合安全标准。
